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About Norsk helsenett – Connecting Norwegian Health Services

Information is critical – it can be a matter of life and death, and the secure and efficient flow of information in the health sector concerns all of us. We may have come a long way, but we haven't achieved our main goal until all citizens and healthcare providers have access to the patient information they need, whenever and wherever they need it.

Effective Partnership in the Health and Care Sector

Norsk helsenett is a national service provider of e-health solutions and is responsible for facilitating secure and efficient electronic interactions. We play a key role in the efforts being made to achieve the goals for digitalization in the health- and care sector and aim to support strategies and plans in the e-health market.


Norsk helsenett AS was established by the four regional health trusts in October 2004. Norsk helsenett SF was founded on the 1st of July 2009. The organisation was founded by the Ministry of Health- and Care Services, and the entire Norsk helsenett AS operation was transferred to the state enterprise on 30th of October 2009. The whole enterprise is owned by the state under the Ministry of Health and Care Services.

National Service Provider

As a national service provider within e-health, Norsk helsenett SF (hereinafter ‘Norsk helsenett’) is tasked with contributing to high-quality e-health solutions and services, the efficient fulfilment of its remit and the best possible utilisation of the private supplier market.

Norsk helsenett is responsible for ensuring that there is a secure and appropriate infrastructure in place for efficient interaction between all areas of the health- and care services. Norsk helsenett is also responsible for administering, operating and maintaining national e-health solutions on behalf of the Ministry of Health- and Care Services. The company also provides administrative services to the health administration within procurement, ICT and document management.

National Health Network

The health network is a secure digital arena for operators in the healthcare sector, in which it is possible to communicate and exchange insights and patient information in a secure and lawful manner. Norsk helsenett’s operation includes enabling users of the health network to gain access to useful and relevant services. We provide many of these services, while others are provided by third-party suppliers. The diversity of our customer base reflects the breadth of the Norwegian health network.

Third-party suppliers are also connected to the health network. The payment machines used by doctors are just one example of this. These are owned by another company but connected to the health network. All these customers pay a membership fee to connect to the health network. Here they gain access to the shared infrastructure that is provided by the network, which enables secure communication, interaction and exchange of sensitive data between the various government agencies. Health administration: Different positions between politicians and health professionals. The health administration is responsible for converting political decisions into practical health services.

Vision and Values

Our vision is Connecting Norwegian health services, and our values are:

  • We are curious: We are curious about new technology, knowledge, expertise, customers, colleagues and the world around us. We are open and engaged in the needs and challenges of others. We actively listen and are committed to work closely with others.
  • We have drive: We have the drive to do what is necessary, when it is necessary. We listen to our customers – together, we identify opportunities and deliver appropriate solutions fast. We are a driving force for good solutions which contribute to a better and more coherent health service for both citizens and patients alike.
  • We care: We care about those around us, we care about our customers, partners, end users and colleagues. We are friendly and kind and enjoy our work. We are helpful and acknowledge those around us. We share information, knowledge, experiences, and expertise.

Equality and Inclusion

Despite being a large IT-company operating in what is traditionally seen as a male-dominated industry, our gender distribution is 60 % men and 40 % women.

In the senior executive group, the corresponding distribution is 50/50. The board of directors comprises 44 % women and 55 % men.

We value diversity - in backgrounds and in experiences. Healthcare is a universal concern, and we need people from all backgrounds and parts of life to help build the healthcare system of the future. We are an employer with equal opportunities and our employees are people with different strengths, experiences, and backgrounds, who share a passion for improving people’s lives. The views of all our employees are the key to our success, and inclusion is everyone’s responsibility.

Key Figures and Revenue

Norsk helsenett has undergone tremendous development over the years. From 2004 to 2022 we have grown from 28 employees to over 850, and we are still growing today.

From our origins as a small company specializing in the delivery of computer networks between regional health trusts, we have gone on to become a national service provider, a transformation that’s reflected in our key figures and revenues.

In 2020, we recorded a turnover of NOK 1.7 billion. We receive a grant from the National Budget which amounts to 40 %. Sales of services to the sector, as well as membership income, account for the remaining 60 %.

As part of our mission, we provide a wide range of services and products to a variety of customer and user groups in the health- and care sector. We have over 7000 customers in addition to all citizens of Norway.

Our customers include:

  • Specialist health service: all public and private sector hospitals
  • Primary health service: GPs, municipalities, counties, physiotherapists
  • Health administration: all agencies directly under the Ministry of Health and Care Services
  • Other operators: pharmacies, dentists, psychologists, opticians, etc.
  • Authorities
  • Health administration, trade and industry and research
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